
Origins Part 1: The Idea

Hello! I’m Beatrice Brown, one of the writers behind The Game. Today, me and L.B, the other talented writer on the project, will be discussing the humble beginnings of this story. 

Here she is, to start us off from the very beginning.

Dia duit! I’m L.B., the Irish enthusiastic co-writer of The Game, demonstrated by my Irish Gaelic greeting, which means simply “Hello”!

The origin story of The Game begins one day in mid-October, during quarantine. I was folding cloth with my mom and sisters. It came up that we could sew dresses, maybe several in the styles of different time periods, and since Bea has always been into that kind of stuff, she was brought into the equation. So, later I got onto Google Hangouts with her (none of this would have been possible without it) and relayed the idea.

Bea: Yep, and I believe I had just watched the 1994 Little Women, and since those things just perfectly coincided, I brought it up. Somewhere on that train of thought, we considered making our own Little Women movie.

L.B.: We started talking in depth about it, and even got to the point that we figured out who would play each of the March girls. However, I had been deemed Beth, and if you have read the book, you would know Beth eventually dies, which is something I did not want to act. I then brought up the option of creating our own story.

Bea: For a while I wasn’t swayed, and really wanted to do our own Little Women, and even offered the option of just doing the first half of the book. But, obviously, I was convinced, and we began working on the concept of a story set in that time period.

L.B.: We started off with using Little Women as a springboard, having some characters called things such as ‘a Laurie character’. Later though, we realized that we needed to make it as unique as possible, otherwise WE COULD BE SUED! 

Bea: Something interesting is the fact that we had originally planned to still do a movie, not a book, thus the fact that many of our characters were originally based off of the person who we wanted to act them.  However, since we were both writers in some sense at the time, we thought we could write a book to accompany the movie, or to use as a source from which to make it. But then we thought to do a whole book first, however it was always the plan that this was the precursor to a movie.

Bea: Now we’re very focused on the book, it is the top priority, and a movie, although something we think would be really fun, is not a definite thing.

L.B.: Just two days ago we reached the one-year mark since the creation of The Game. It has been a LONG year, but we are ever determined, and are exhilarated to share our work!

That’s all for the first post on A Tale of Three Lassies! We plan to post once a week, on Fridays. We’ll be doing things like delving deeper into the origins, such as our peculiar title, sharing updates, and doing character analyses.

~Bea and L.B.

By Bea

We’re all stories in the end, just make it a good one.

~The Eleventh Doctor

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