art Character Analyses

Character Analysis Series Part 14: Lilian

Dia duit! Today, lovely Gamers, I am here to resurrect our character analysis series! 

We may not do any more analyses after this for a while, or we might be back with Papar’s sometime soon, but for now there was someone just begging to be analyzed. And that person is the intense, slightly berserk, very eccentric Lilian Griffin!  

©A Tale of Three Lassies 2023

Name: Lilian Azaria Griffin

Birth date: September 7, 1849

Age(s) in The Heart of The Game: 15-18


Ah yes, the creation of Lilian. She’s actually quite an old character, one who we planned to include in The Game, but we ran out of the amount of room needed to do her justice, so she is mentioned in TG as the star of a literary series written by Fae and she finally comes in in THTG.

We made her to be my younger sister’s character, since we had finally thrown away Adrie being her character. However, Lilian is also a cousin of the Winters sisters, she just happens to be on the other side of the family. (Adrie is the daughter of Mamar’s brother, Lilian that of one of Papar’s sisters)

But one of my favorite parts of making her is her attire! Her family goes on adventures, so Lilian wears hand-me-down pants from her older brothers to make it easier. And because she is an absolute tomboy.

She also wears waistcoats, and skirts that are often times shorter than they are supposed to be for her age, so she has her pants on under them. Overall she is just this very eccentrically attired person! It’s great!


She is almost the exact opposite of Adrie, ironically. That IS why she was made in the first place, because Adrie no longer worked as my sister’s character.

She is boisterous and confident; spirited, a bit crazy, and will happily beat up any boy who challenges her.

But I think the best word to describe her is intense. Everything about her is extreme, which can be a bit daunting, especially when you have found yourself on the side opposing her, but she can also be loads of fun!


She doesn’t really fit into society. But then again she doesn’t particularly mind that.

Faults…her violence. She’s a fighter, and gets into a lot of arguments, especially with her brother Edwin, and those tend to end in a type of physical contact known as fighting. 

Another fault, her unfeelingness. She’s not sympathetic…really at all. She is pretty unmerciful, so stay on her good side or you are in for it!


Something one might not realize about her is that she does actually want to marry. There is a part of her that wants to be swept off her feet. Although perhaps part of her wants to be the one doing the sweeping.😂 

What she does NOT want though is some traditional, well-bred prince. She wants a dashing warrior who she can join in adventures with. 

She is also absolutely against settling down; she wants to be on the move, climbing mountains, crossing oceans, and would likely become a pirate if she could.

And as a bonus to let you see her personality more, here, have this:

Edwin: You’re a lost cause!

Lilian: And you were never a cause to start with.

In an attempt to redeem the situation in his favor:

Edwin: Girls are dumber than boys.

Lilian: Wow, then we are really stupid!

Edwin: I never thought you would agree wi—

Lilian: Because you are a moron, and the only way for girls to be dumber than you is if we are really stupid.

After a pause: 

Lilian: What is the most powerful city in Mexico?

Edwin: Why?

Lilian: Just answer.

Edwin: Mexico City.

Lilian: And what year did the Revolution start?

Edwin: Um… 1775.

Lilian: What about the French Revolution?

Edwin: I don’t know; just stop!

Lilian: Wrong! It started in April of 1792.

Edwin: Why did you want to know?

Lilian: Because you said that girls are dumber than boys, and I wanted to prove you wrong.

Edwin: Grr, girls should be seen, not heard!

Lilian: That makes it awfully hard to accept a proposal, and you say that marriage and housewifery are the only things women are fit for. 

After another pause:

Lilian: Boys should be heard, not seen.

Edwin: What?

Lilian: Well, for one thing, if girls should be seen not heard, boys should be heard not seen, and for another, boys are far less appealing to look at.

Yep, that’s what many of her conversations with Edwin are like. 

😂 She’s a very fun character to write for.

Well now, it has come to the part of this post where I update you on the status of THTG. 

Tis a sad case, for it is not out to beta readers yet, but we are nearly there. At least I hope we are…😅

On another note, on the same topic of the update, we would like YOUR opinions on THTG current cover design!

It’s not the final version as you can tell, but it gives you an idea.

Please, please, PLEASE give us your feedback; we have been struggling to choose a design and we’d love to know if you think this is the right one. Point out what you think could be changed, say what you like about it, give suggestions, whatever!

And with that I shall end. Thank you for reading!

L.B. and Bea

By Bea

We’re all stories in the end, just make it a good one.

~The Eleventh Doctor

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