

Good day, Gamers!

Today we have a sort of chill little post—today is National Paper Airplane day, and our darling angel author, L.B., has fallen ill, so she hasn’t been in high enough spirits to complete the MM. However, she’s close, and I would think y’all would get it next Friday. It’s a fun one, inspired by sooomeonnnneeee who had a BIRTHDAY yesterday. 

Anyway! To celebrate paper airplane day, I did a drawing inspired by the amazing, stunning, adorable—oh, you thought I was talking about L.B. Of course, all of those adjectives apply, but—and yes, I do want money, L.B.—at this moment I am talking about the Disney short Paperman. 

You should definitely watch it; you can find it on YouTube or Disney Plus!

Anywho, I drew Roo in the style of this universe, with this lil thingy as reference.

I may have done a different screenshot, and included a certain other character, if it were not loaded with spoilers.😃

I often forget that The Heart of The Game isn’t published…what a day it will be when it comes out! I am hastening on my way to finish editing, now that things are getting back to normal, and, although I’m off to a slow start, I’m hoping to get a substantial amount of work done by the time we next speak.

I hope y’all are enjoying your paper airplane day, and are looking forward to a good weekend!

Bea & L.B.


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